Week 30 - Data Collection and Analysis

This inquiry seeks to gather data to inform us whether using our “innovation” which is a
planning framework which includes teacher criteria, can deliver PBL in a more robust and rigorous
manner compared to a control group not using the framework. We also want to seek out further
criteria and additions to the beta model framework to ensure we can have the best delivery for
teachers and students.

Our data collection methods will have two approaches:

  1. Evaluate and refine the innovation which in this case is the planning framework and criteria -
    1. Collect teacher baseline data - assumptions regarding PBL, inquiry process and perceived successes and challenges of current inquiry in classroom with Google Forms
    2. Ongoing basis through the student inquiry, collect observations, videos of teaching
    3. Collect student data on whether teachers are meeting criteria set out, skills of teachers and student feedback on the framework through interview
    4. Collect teacher endpoint data - assumptions regarding PBL, inquiry process and perceived successes and challenges of innovation (planning framework) in classroom with Google Forms

  1. Evaluate the impact of the innovation
    1. Collect endpoint data from Control group vs active group using the planning framework using an questionnaire to rate themselves on the key benefits of PBL digital inquiries - collaboration, student agency, communication, thinking, students need to elaborate where they had opportunities to develop these skills and evidence of this development.
    2. Student end products of inquiry from Control group vs active group reviewed and observed. Students conferenced regarding depth of understanding on context.  

Data has been collected at base line and midpoint and anecdotal data has been recorded throughout. The endpoint data has not been collected. No data preparation has been done except for looking at the summaries in google forms to ensure it is ready for analysis.

Explain how you are analysing your data
Sorting and Organising the qualitative data - using the classroom observations and the student interviews I sorted the data under the headings based on the guidelines for PBL that prompted this inquiry by Kokotsaki et al 2016 . This way we can find evidence whether the framework has been making in impact under these headings or not and which were strengths and possible areas for improvement in the framework. Then I moved on to content analysis looking for patterns of words or phrases used by students or teachers in observation to start classifying and conceptualising the main ideas this research had uncovered. Coding data in this way organises the data into more manageable analysis and summarises and structures data for understanding (Koshy, 2010).

The categories were - Did the framework facilitate the teacher to 
analysing the tasks and skills required to carry out the project; determining the contribution of the project to students' learning; establishing an action plan; being at the students' side during the implementation and evaluation of the project; facilitating decision making, thinking and problem solving; facilitating an assumption of responsibilities; and promoting the development of interpersonal skills such as socialising and teamwork among students, provide us with key areas for development and improvement in inquiry planning.

Reflect on your evidence so far
The data has provided us evidence that the innovation which is the framework is effective in its purpose and scaffolds a project based learning approach. The inquiry has provided evidence of evaluating the framework under the key themes and therefore has provided areas for refinement and improvement. The data provision for the impact of the innovation is less clear. The inquiry is clearly student and teacher dependent that no conclusions could be drawn from the data on this. We were not able to compare results to a control group yet and perhaps this will provide the conclusions that we need. 


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