Week 29 - Consider your audiences

Defining Audiences
My inquiry is about the use of a planning framework for digital integration and project based learning.
My audience will therefore be
> Local - The teachers and students involved in the inquiry Year 5/6 as well as the community that
students engage with during their inquiry about the NZ Bush ecosystem - in this case local
community, forest and bird, DoC, pest free NZ.
> National & Internationally- Other teachers within our CoL to other teachers interested in
development of scaffolds for project based learning
> Researchers, Teacher Facilitators who are looking for a model to base their practice on under
the theme of personalising learning with a subtheme of the role of current and emerging
technologies according to (Bolstad, Gilbert, McDowall, Bull, Boyd & Hipkins, 2012),
“Supporting future-oriented learning and teaching: A New Zealand perspective”.
This inquiry  challenges us  to think about how to deploy the resources for learning
(teachers, time, spaces, technology) more flexibly to meet learners needs. It also requires us to think
about the new resources that may be needed, and the potential of new technologies to transform teaching
and learning giving enough opportunities for critical thinking.

Analysis the audiences’ perspectives - the role of new technologies and link to my inquiry action
Research and my own experience as a facilitator indicate that the technology has nothing to do
with transforming 21st century learning, idea generation of use of technology in context of their
planning can be limited. Four strategies have been highlighted to turn classrooms in technology
rich learning environments : tools and infrastructure, enhancing capability, support innovation and
opportunities to connect ideas. This is what the framework in my inquiry offers - the ability to
connect ideas and explicitly plan for activating prior knowledge and continuing to build on it.

In Addressing Current and Future Challenges in Education a current trend is the increased application based learning. Relevance makes rigour possible through interrelated disciplines and personalised learning contexts. My inquiry addresses this perspective as it looks to a framework that could be an extension of the Rigor/Relevance Framework discussed in this article.


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