Key Competencies for teaching and leadership

My teaching practice and my facilitation work have a foundation in the key competency of thinking. My passion and focus of teaching is blended inquiry, which I believe should be at the core focus of all teaching, this encourages students to engage, enhance and deepen their learning and thinking through guided inquiry process that allows students to apply, analyse and synthesis their knowledge. This flows through to my leadership as a facilitator I encourage teachers to challenge their processes, reflect on their teaching, actively creating robust lessons and problem solving classroom management.

Language, Symbols and Text
I like to encourage blended e-learning in Junior Classes with a focus on oral language. Creating interactive images, labels and text is am important part of digital outcomes however I think I could focus more on this within my teaching. The new DT curriculum offers a lot more opportunities for this. This is probably the same for my leadership.

Managing Self
Just like I have various tools to help my manage myself as a teacher and leader, I scaffold students to allow them to manage themselves effectively. In Leadership, I am constantly allowing my teachers to show me whether they can manage themselves, achieve their goals independently or they need further support. Again teachers like students need to be scaffolded and constantly encouraged.

Relating to Others
This is another strength as a facilitator and in my leadership role as you must value to teacher as part of the change management. Working together effectively is key when collaboratively planning, planning lessons together, co-teaching and implementing new ideas.
I am always weary of this in my teaching practice as I find it difficult to relate to students at times in classrooms that I am not in very often. I would like more strategies to encourage students to do this effectively. Collaboration is easy with turn taking but actually negotiating and recognising other points of view very tricky for most

Participating and Contributing
As a teacher I like to think I am giving the message, we are a team and we work together to achieve success. Again an area in encouraging students to do this or having this mind set, I feel lacking. Important in leadership that we create a shared vision, a community and therefore giving a sense of belonging is important to managing change, relating to others and therefore managing self.


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